
Helping you create the roadmap to a life you love.

How often do you get to invest time and thought on yourself?

I mean, real time.

Not a minute here, or a half hour there.

I mean consistent, focussed and intentional time, space and energy on YOU and how you want your life to feel at this age, and this stage of your life, whatever that is?

Coaching gives you that space with dedicated time, focussed energy and momentum through consistency. With powerful questions, and empowering exercises and coaching models, I will provide a structure for you to invest quality thinking on you and how you want to manage your life now, and in the future.    

So what is midlife coaching? 

Coaching is simply a safe, neutral space (in a series of one hour sessions, in person or by zoom) where you get to explore what you want, and how you want your life to feel... and then figure out ways of doing that. 

I have a no-bullshit, practical and loving energy - I'll be your best cheerleader while occassionally poking you with a stick!

I often describe coaching as like putting on a pair of glasses and seeing clearly for the first time in a while.

There are lots of different stepping stones to get you from where you are to where you want to be.

Your set of stepping stones will be unique to you but I use a simple and powerful pathway to guide you there with clarity, confidence and courage. 

 The pathway is made up of three stages, with various stepping stones in each:

Self-discovery; decisions & plans; and actions by living with intention: 

1. Self-Discovery

This is about reconnecting back to who you are amid all the roles and responsibilities you have, checking with where you are at this age and stage of life, whatever that is, and finally seeing how you are.


2. Decisions and Plans

This is where we see what you want and why you want it. We'll look at your passions and purpose and get into the nitty gritty of what needs to be done and why.  You get to start designing the life you want to live rather than living in default or survival mode.

3. Living with Intention

This is where you take action and make sure you make this a way of living rather than just a dream. This is about living in thrival mode not just survival mode. We'll tackle obstacles and self-limiting beliefs, and develop long-lasting habits.

So that's the what and the how.......


Here's the why. 

I help women from the mid-30's to the mid 60's navigate, over come or design change.  

☀️ I help women through a separation / divorce process. Not the legal stuff... but the emotional and mental stuff. I've been through the process myself and until you've been through it, you can't imagine it.  

☀️ I help women build themselves back up when life throw's a curveball at them - a loss, the breakup of a relationship, loss of a job, or any number of things that can come our way at midlife. 

☀️ I help women reconnect to themselves after perhaps years being so many things to so many people, they've lost touch with who they are to themselves because of overwhelm, burnout or loss of sense of identity.  It happens!

☀️ I help women decide exciting next steps  at a new stage of life - post divorce, kids leaving home, change of career, change of pace, passion projects and so many other possibilities that await our unique generation of women.

Book now for a one hour Clarity Coaching Session where you'll get clarity about where and how you are, and see the benefit of just investing some time and thought on how your life is going (and whether you are running it, or you're being run down by it!).

More coaching options below.

Ready to transform your life with coaching?  

There are 3 options for 1:1 coaching to choose from: 

 Clarity Coaching session 

This is a stand-alone one hour session will help you get clarity around your situation, and can also explore how a series of coaching sessions will transform your life if needs be. This can be used as a stand-alone or a springboard to subsequent coaching




Midlife Crossroads

Whether it's a midlife crisis or opportunity, this 4 one-hour session coaching programme will help you find clarity and direction. Each session will be supported by email follow up and dynamic reflection exercises that builds on the impact of the coaching sessions.




My Midlife Coaching  

This is the deep glorious work, with 12 x one-hour session programme (ideally weekly over 3 months to keep momentum, but adaptable because, you know, life!) This is the deep dive. Each session will be supported by email follow up and dynamic reflection exercises that builds on the impact of the coaching sessions.


*Crossroads and My Midlife can be paid in instalments.

There are four main directions within this programme: 



You have multiple roles & responsibilities, and feel on constant emergency mode. 


I help you go

FROM struggling to manage

TO juggling with ease



This may because of life events like divorce, new career, a change of stage, and you just need some space to figure out where you are and how to move forward. 

I help you go

FROM confusion

TO clarity



You are feeling a loss of identity and direction, feel like you are in default mode and don't know how to reconnect with yourself.


I help you go

FROM lost sense of self

TO finding your midlife mojo

@Next Steps


You are in an exciting new phase of life, ready for change or want to embrace this time and need help with next steps.


I help you go

FROM ready-ish

TO launching into new stage

Book here
I'd like to send you a message

Siobhan Freegard, OBE

"Alana has changed my life. When I started her 1:1 coaching programme, I had no direction, no purpose, no confidence, no motivation. I used to run multi million pound businesses, but felt increasingly old, used up, irrelevant, fearful, tired, lazy and past my sell by date.

In just 12 weeks of coaching from Alana I have already started a new job that I LOVE that has reignited my passion for work. I have done a 10k run and reignited old friendships and been new places.

I now feel really comfortable with the fact that I am ONLY 56. I have a sense of a whole new direction in life and the energy and enthusiasm to immerse myself in it.

How is it possible to feel so differently and have such a different perspective in such a short time? It has felt incredibly therapeutic and yet it’s not therapy per se, but a practical journey. There are exercises to be completed that prompted me with exactly the right questions to ask myself and the right balance of encouragement and challenge from Alana to help me find the right answers.

I have ‘graduated’ from Alana with a whole tool box to keep me grounded and thinking in healthy ways.

I have a whole new life ahead of me, which feels like an absolute gift."

Midlife, redefined, Better, Bolder, Bighter

If you've read my latest book, Midlife, redefined: Better, Bolder, Brighter, and would like to get some 1:1 feedback on the exercises you did, I offer a one hour 1:1 zoom session, or a package of 3 one hour sessions to go through all you have learned, planned and actioned from reading the book.

I'm also running some small group sessions. 

I'd love to get some coaching after reading Midlife, redefined: Better, Bolder, Brighter.

If you'd like regular writing and midlife musings....

sign up to my newsletter Your Midlife Matters. I focus on themes and solutions I glean from my coaching, often with practical exercises, coaching on specific areas, and much more.  I run fortnightly interviews with inspiring midlifers on topics from beliefs, goals and habits, to food, mood and mojo; from sex, success and style, to fitness, health and hormones; from sleep, skin and hair to career, change and challenges and a bit of whatever else affects us women at midlife. 

“Thank you so much. I have enjoyed every minute of being coached by you. I instantly warmed to you, and within half an hour I knew that this was going to be something amazing. Genuine warmth, goodness and empathy radiates from you, actively listening and being totally engaged while gently guiding me to find answers inside myself I didn't know where there.  Thank you so much for energising me, and helping me to recognise and value my strengths again. You are a great coach and I will definitely be recommending you.

Noreen Murphy

Bed Manager, Nurse St Lukes Hospital


Check out my latest blog to help you navigate the messy mayhem of midlife 

Musings, mutterings, and some serious midlife matters to help you navigate this unique midlife - and to help you redefine it on your terms. 

Check out my other blog posts here

Supporting Midlife Women, Examiner 5ht April 2024

Apr 05, 2024

Check out my Instagram posts for inspiration or

nifty ideas to nurture the magic of midlife.

Follow me here @midlifecoach