Come out from under the overwhelm
Women in the messy middle of life are the busiest - and least supported - cohort of society.
I don't need to tell you that though.
When I ask women what their No.1 issue is, the answer is overwhelm.
While we are living in a unique, extended midlife with unprecedented opportunities, we also have unprecedented pressures.
And I'm not surprised. I lost nearly a decade of my life to overwhelm and have to be really proactive about not moving lock, stock and barrel back there sometimes.
Which is why I'm running this workshop - to share what I know from personal experience, from my years of coaching women and knowledge of proven, practical tools - to help you run your life, rather than constantly feel run down by it.
Join me for a transformative hour or so, where you'll be developing a sense of empowerment, self-rediscovery, and practical change
Midlife can be mayhem.
The struggle to juggle is real: your dependents (children, parents, four-legged), your relationships, your responsibilities, your career, yourself.
(Yeah, that last one always comes last, doesn’t it?).
Having been so many things to so many people, for so long, have you lost track of who you are to yourself?
Well, please join me so I can help you understand why it's so overwhelming at times, how it's so easy to lose a sense of self.... and how to reconnect back with yourself, to come out from under the overwhelm to live a life in response to YOU rather than a constant reaction to all the roles and responsibilities.
I'll show you how to:
🔆 Reconnect back with yourself, to check-in with who, where and how you are (it may have been a while!)
🔆 Realign with what's important now (updating the software if you like) and assessing where your energy is going (and needs to go).
🔆 Renew a sense of investment in YOU, alongside whatever roles and responsibilities you have (because it's easy to lose that sense of self).
And most of all... to matter more in your own midlife.
You may be at a crossroads.
You may be entering a new stage.
You may be wanting change, or change has been thrust upon you.
You may just be hanging on by your fingernails hoping to survive, and really want to thrive instead.
Whatever your stage or age, now is the time to decide how you want your life to feel.
Join my May online workshop (it's a BYO at home so you can sip bubbles, kambuchia or any flavour of tea you like), kick off your shoes, and devote some time to you.
I’ll help you understand where you are, and show you with practical tools and live coaching how to put the "life" into your midlife.
It's the zoom that will put the va va voom into your life!
Your tasty and calorie-free takeaways from this workshop are:
☀️ Why this is the most unique midlife in history, and what that means for you (good and bad)
☀️ How to go on an adventure of self-exploration. I'm going to give you a torch and a map and exciting things will happen!
☀️ Practical tools and reflection exercises on the spot so that you come away already fired up with knowing what you need.
☀️ I'll be doing live coaching and answering any questions - this will be an interactive, dynamic workshop where you can get involved if you want, or learn from watching others get some clarity. (You can just sit back, watch and listen. I'll be asking for comments in the chat for those who want to but this isn't school - I won't be picking on anyone and making them stand at the front of the room)
☀️ Playbook (I refuse to call it a workbook) with exercises and tools so you come away with your own bespoke midlife plan
I’m going to help you reconnect with yourself, get clarity on what you want your life to feel like, and learn how to live with intention.
You have two registration options below:
The 2 hour live zoom workshop is €55.
You can also choose to buy my book, Midlife, redefined: Better, Bolder, Brighter alongside the ticket for €74.85 (incl p&p), so that you can continue to invest time and thought on your midlife.
Midlife, redefined: Better, Bolder, Brighter is a self-guided book so that you end up with your own bespoke midlife (wo)manual.
Register below ⬇

Revive & Thrive workshop
Tme for, and about, you.
Plus a signed copy of Midlife, redefined: Better, Bolder, Brighter (€16 + postage)
Hi, I'm Alana
I’m a woman at the coal face of mid-life. Perhaps like you, I struggle to juggle the roles and responsibilities that come at us at this stage of life!
I’m also a life and leadership coach and as The Midlife Coach, am on a mission to make sure women start putting themselves on their own To-Do list, and live lives based on how they want to feel, not just on what they’re supposed to do.
My second book, MidLife, Redefined: Better. Bolder, Brighter is out now.
Both my book, and my 1:1 coaching programme work through the same journey of self-discovery, design and action, because through my own life and the wonderful women I've had the privilege of coaching, I know it's transformative power.
Sign me up!