Do you wish you could run your life, rather than be run down by it??
If so, NOW is the time for a MIDLIFE MAKEOVER
(No lipstick involved!)
This isn’t about make-up, it’s about a mark up.
Of your (mid)life.
The who, what, where, and how you can make your midlife the best time of your life.
This four week course will empower you with videos, worksheets, tools and tips to help you take charge so that your midlife works for you.
You can read all about it below...
Save My Spot
MidLife can be Mayhem!
The struggle to juggle your dependents (be they children, parents, four-legged), your relationships, your responsibilities, your career, yourself!
(Yeah, that last one always comes last, doesn’t it?).
Today, midlife is no longer a mid-point but a decades-long stage of life between ‘youth’ and ‘old age’ that is vibrant, exciting, and full of growth.
(but can also be overwhelming, challenging and full of change.)
Most of all it’s a critical time to check in.
(We’re so busy doing stuff, we forget to do ourselves!)
In this mini (but mightily packed) course, you will receive a new video each week along with worksheets, and email support where I will coach, encourage, challenge and guide you through thought provoking exercises.
It’s not about making you a better you, or a new you. It’s about reconnecting with the you in you, and finding the space to let her flourish amid the mayhem of midlife.
SOUNDS RIGHT UP MY STREET. IāM IN!In this MidLife MakeOver course, you will:
- get a bird’s eye view of your life as and where it is right now in a beautifully simple but powerful way (without having to learn to fly!)
- power through a painless health checkup that will give you a clear picture of what your needs are to be living your best
- identify your pressure points, perfection problems and persistent peaks and troughs that keep you from living dynamically and with intention.
- discover (or reconnect) with your passions, purpose and power that will help you live a vibrant, value-driven, valiant midlife.
- take charge to make sure you find the magic of midlife
If ANY of the following ring true, you can’t afford to miss this MidLife MakeOver course….
- you are feeling a bit lost in the mire of midlife - be that with overwhelm, stress, loss of identity or challenging change
- you feel more like a human doing than a human being
- you want to feel you’re getting more from life for the effort you’re putting in
This four week course will begin as soon as you order, and every week a new video and worksheets will be delivered to your inbox. All you have to do is invest the time to put some thought into YOU.
MidLife MakeOver Delve Deep Option €99
For just €99 you will have access to five packed-with-a-punch videos (including an introductory session), weekly worksheets and guides to give you structure to play and work, along with email support from me if you have any questions along the way.
MidLife MakeOver Delver Deeper Option €190
If you feel you want to take it further, we can add in a 60 minute 1:1 coaching session with me (via Zoom) at any point during or after the course to delve deeper into the work, with a total course and coaching price of just €190.
Save My Spot!A Note From Me
There are extraordinary possibilities that we have in our mid-lives that no previous generation of women have had. Not only do we have unprecedented financial, social, and career opportunities, we have an extra 20 years or so of life - to live in the middle, not at the end!
Yet it can also be a time of overwhelm, change and confusion. That's why it is crucial that we make the time, at this time, to take stock, recharge, and take charge. We are redefining mid-age (but only when we first define how we want our lives to feel).
Our goal in life is not a destination. You know, that place called happiness where we think if we keep all plates spinning, keep saying fine, keep pleasing everyone around us, keep doing, keep up, keep at it, one day we arrive at Destination Happy and be given a welcome cocktail? Life is motion, not a fixed spot. So no, the goal is not a destination.
The goal, the joy, the potential of a magic midlife, is that we live it every day, with intention, with attention, and with inspiration!
This is YOUR time. Let’s go!
I'm In!