Why self-focus is a vital part of self-care
Oct 05, 2020
We hear a lot about the importance of self care but I feel that's actually an umbrella term for a myriad of mental, physical and emotional approaches we need be living to our full potential. A powerful part of the process is self-focus. It's more than taking care of yourself, but really connecting (or reconnecting) with your values, your sense of self and what makes you tick.
The most crucial time to do this is that busiest of times - the mayhem of midlife.
One of the reasons we can feel so damned overwhelmed, is the feeling we are being run down by our life, rather than running it the way we want it to feel. We can't get through the seemingly endless to-do list, and we sure as hell never put ourselves on the To-Do list.
I work with women at all stages of mid-life - in their 30's, 40's, 50's and 60's because Midlife is no longer a midway point, but a decades-long stage of life between 'youth' and 'old age'. Along with unprecedented financial, social and career freedoms, and an extra 20 years or so of life to be lived - not at the end - but in the middle of our lives, we are the generation of women redefining midage.
But it can be really busy. Many women I speak to feel guilty about even thinking of putting themselves first. I know I used to. I learned the hard way that no-one was going to hand me a permission slip to devote some time, energy and thought into the way I wanted my life to be.... I was too busy making sure everyone else's life ran smoothly, I didn't notice how badly mine was off track... until it crashed! Luckily I found my way back, but it took a long time and a lot of hard work. And I did it by investing time and energy on who I am and what I wanted my life to be about.
Self focus is one of the most important investments in ourselves. What do I want? What are my values? How do I feel more like a human being than a human doing?
We can feel uncomfortable creating a space in the hectic pace of life, to think about what we want our lives to feel like.. if only we could..... (loose weight, make more money, find more time, sleep better, breath.) But there is only so far we can go on autopilot.
Because midlife is the busiest time of life, it's crucial to check in regularly to make sure we're still on the right track.
Self-focus is fuel for mental and emotional resilience. It means we move in the power of being in our own driving seat, not being thrown around in the back seat with no seat belt on!
Next Tuesday morning I'm running a FREE webinar called The MidLife MakeOver where you'll
🔆 learn why we are the generation to redefine mid-age.
🔆 figure out how to ensure your mind and body are working at their highest potential
🔆 unlock the 3 obstacles we put in our own way
🔆 unleash the 3 power switches you can turn on that will help you live a vibrant, value-driven valiant midlife.
🔆 take charge of your life to make sure it works for you
It's one hour where you get to put yourself on the To-do list.
Here is the link for the free registration https://www.themidlifecoach.org/midlife-makeover-webinar and I really hope to see you there...
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