
Independent feature, 12th December 2024: The biggest turnoff in a marriage - unfairness

Feb 04, 2025

Alana Kirk

‘Do you know what the most unsexy trait in a partner is?” my friend asked over lunch. I could think of a few ideas but waited for her response. “Unfairness.”

I nodded. I see this every day in my coaching practice where I help women find balance and fairness at work and at home. How, in this age of supposed growing gender equality, has unfairness become the silent wedge in marriages and relationships?

Despite increases in equality, in educational and career opportunities, inequity in the home persists. Research in 2019 showed that women in Ireland do 20 hours of weekly housework compared to nine carried out by men.

A University of Limerick study published in 2021 found that gender disparity in domestic chores starts early, occurring at age nine and is even greater by 13 with children tending to do “gender-typical” chores, and girls doing more housework overall.

This is why women in midlife are usually the busiest, and least supported cohort of society. A recent survey revealed that a third of people in Ireland claim to feel always or often stressed on a daily basis. And the biggest cohort? People aged 45-54, with twice as many women as men.

So why is unfairness in the home so slow to change?



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